About Medico Pak
Many of your patients will already be re-packaging their own medicines for various reasons- usually for the convenience of taking them away from home- to the workplace, or on outings.
By recommending they use Medico Pak it will be safer and easier to have the pharmacy do this for them instead.
Here’s a Close Up of how Medico Pak works...
- Full Medical Description of individual medicines is shown on the “Pack Contents.”
- Time and Dose are clearly printed on the front and back of the Medico Pak.
- Contents of Each Pottle are printed along with the patient’s name, medication details, day, time, strength, dosage and number of tablets for that dose time.
- Each Dose is sealed and secure.
- Days of the Week is clearly shown on the front and back of pack.
- Perforated Pottles and strips allow patients to tear off a full day of medication, or just a single mini pak one dosing pottle. Flexible options that are ideal for taking medication to school, work, or away from home.
- Pak Poppers are also available to assist in opening each pottle without damaging or dropping medication. These are available at the pharmacy.
- Magnifiers are easily clipped onto the packs to assist patients in reading small print. These are available at the pharmacy.
- Medico Pak are Flexible for either weekly or monthly formats.
- Patients Travelling Overseas? Medico Paks meet all customs requirements as all the details are printed on the packs.
